Hof van Salland

Information folder (Copy)

Enjoy your summer!
Now with summer discount

House Rules

General regulations

The entire property is considered "private property," to which unauthorized persons have no access. The Dutch Law and the Road Traffic Code are applicable to the resort. Furthermore, all the (un-) written rules of decency and respect for each other apply. The following rules are intended solely to provide a legal framework for any possible violations of such rules.

Peace and quiet
Peace and quiet is an important consideration at Hof van Salland. Therefore, please keep the following in mind:
• No motorized traffic is allowed on the resort between the hours of 09:00 PM and 07:00 AM;
• Do not create unnecessary noise between the hours of 07:00 AM and 10:00 AM and from 10:00 PM onwards out of respect for late sleepers and early sleepers

• The villas are not rented to groups of young people under the age of 26 for reasons related to peace and quiet.

The emergency plan is available for inspection at the reception. In case of an emergency, never panic. Instead, immediately notify one of our employees. There is a first aid kit available so you can administer first aid at the reception, the restaurant, and the swimming pool. For emergencies after closing time, please call our general number: 0572 33 13 77 or in the event of a serious emergency call the emergency number 112.


You are not allowed to fly a drone everywhere. For example, you are not permitted to fly over crowds of people, contiguous buildings, and areas around airports and other no-fly zones. If you wish to operate your drone in the (nearby) surroundings, we advise you to consult the drone map (where you can/cannot fly in relation to no-fly zones) Drone Map. Please respect the privacy, peace, and quiet of everyone.

Moreover, please respect livestock roaming in the pastures (horses, sheep, cows) that may be startled by your drone and injure themselves.

If you do not follow the rules, you may receive a warning or a fine (max €7,800). There is also the possibility that your drone may be confiscated. The amount of the fine or penalty depends on the type of violation. For example, the Ministry of Justice looks at whether you used the drone professionally or as a hobby and whether you endangered people.

You are prohibited from taking any resort property outside your accommodation, the center facilities, or the resort. In the event of damage to our property, you will be held liable for the repair and/or replacement costs.

Your clothing should look presentable and appropriate for the part of the resort in which you are located. For example, this means that swimwear is allowed in and around the swimming pool, but not at the reception and restaurant.

Food and Beverages
When you are visiting the restaurant and/or terrace, you are required to have some food and beverages. Furthermore, you are not allowed to bring your own drinks and/or food into the hospitality establishments and the central building.

Glassware, excluding your own terrace and the restaurant with a terrace, may not be taken outside.

Unwanted Harassment
Unwanted harassment will not be tolerated. If the occasion arises, this can be reported to the reception. If desired, the police will be contacted. Furthermore, the management may decide to call in the police in appropriate cases.

You are not permitted to smoke in the restaurant, the central building, and the villas. Smoking in the general areas is allowed on the condition that it does not bother other people and that the remnants are left behind or removed safely (i.e., not in a trash can). Additional precautions are requested during droughts to prevent fires.

Caring for the environment is a concern for all of us. Please conserve nature and the future by using water and energy responsibly. Do not leave the water running unnecessarily, do not leave the heating on when you open doors and/or windows, and do not leave lights on unnecessarily. In addition, by separating your waste in the appropriate containers, located in the parking lot of the resort, you can contribute to a better environment.

Despite the carefulness and efforts of the resort of Hof van Salland, you may feel that you have a justified complaint regarding your vacation accommodation. Complaints should always be reported to us as soon as they arise. You have the option of submitting your complaint to our reception. Our employees will then — together with you — search for a satisfactory solution. If the complaint is not dealt with satisfactorily, you have until one week after your departure from the resort at the latest to submit your complaint in writing.

There are cameras installed in various places. Every visitor to the resort consents to the fact that footage could be recorded of him/her. In the event of an emergency, these recordings may be shown to third parties as supporting material.

Trading in goods
It is forbidden to trade goods and/or be guilty of receiving and purchasing stolen goods without the permission of the management.

It is strictly prohibited to use or carry any type of weapon (which also includes knives).

If we have suspected that there is a gathering taking place, we reserve the right to immediately deny those attempting to attend the gathering access to the resort.

Narcotic drugs
The consumption, usage, trafficking, or carrying of any narcotic drugs is strictly prohibited.

Any violation of the aforementioned rules will result in the immediate involvement of the police.

Noise level
In a number of our facilities, it is possible that more than 85dB(A) of noise may be produced from time to time. We accept no liability for any adverse effects this noise exposure may have on your hearing. Therefore, your presence in areas where this may occur is entirely at your own risk.

House rules for the swimming pools at Hof van Salland

Entry rules are designed to provide a framework for both the "hosts" and the guests. Thus, the former can optimally perform their task, and the latter can make use of the available facilities to the fullest. The house rules regarding the swimming pools at Hof van Salland are taken from the "happy and safe" protocol. This protocol is used in different regions by participating swimming pools so that rules are aligned with each other, and the risk of inconvenience is minimized. A poster of the house rules is hung up at the swimming pool.
By entering the swimming pool, visitors agree to abide by the house rules. When these rules are violated, if necessary, and in the event that a criminal offense is committed, the police will always be called.

• The occupant must not endanger their own safety or the safety of others.
• Instructions from staff must be followed. Verbal and/or physical violence will not be tolerated.
• Management is not responsible for any loss, damage, and/or theft of your property and/or bodily injury in and around the buildings. As such, they cannot be held liable.
• You are not permitted to remain in or near the changing facilities without a valid reason.
• Unwanted and/or desired harassment in this swimming pool will not be tolerated.
• You are only permitted to swim in your bathing suit
• Children who do not possess a swimming certificate shall only be admitted when accompanied by a person 18 years of age or older in swimwear who possesses adequate swimming skills.
• Visitors who are 14 years of age and older must provide identification upon employee request.
• Running around the pools is not permitted.
• Glassware is not permitted.

Uw reservering bij Hof van Salland

Log in en pas uw reservering aan. Reserveer bijvoorbeeld een heerlijke ontbijtservice of boek een late check-out. Zo kunt u heerlijk uitslapen én de hele dag nog genieten van uw villa / lodge. 

Gebruiksaanwijzingen en gebruikerstips

Alle gebruiksaanwijzingen staan online. In de keuken van uw villa / lodge vindt u een lijst met namen van de apparatuur. Mocht u de gebruiksaanwijzing hiervan willen inzien, dan bekijkt u deze hier

Waar wilt u meer over weten?

Openingstijden receptie:

Maandag 08:00 - 17:00 uur
Dinsdag 09:00 - 17:00 uur
Woensdag 09:00 - 17:00 uur
Donderdag 09:00 - 17:00 uur
Vrijdag 08:00 - 18:00 uur
Zaterdag 09:00 - 16:00 uur

09:00 - 16:00 uur

De receptie is 24/7 telefonisch bereikbaar op nummer 0572 33 13 77

Openingstijden Restaurant de Hazelaer:

Maandag 12.00 tot 21.00 uur
Dinsdag gesloten
Woensdag  gesloten
Donderdag 12.00 tot 21.00 uur
Vrijdag 12.00 tot 21.00 uur
Zaterdag 12.00 tot 21.00 uur
Zondag 12.00 tot 21.00 uur

Restaurant de Hazelaer is vanaf 1 oktober 2023 tot en met 31 maart 2024 iedere dinsdag en woensdag gesloten.

Tijdens de herfstvakantie, kerstvakantie en voorjaarsvakantie is het restaurant 7 dagen per week geopend!

0572 33 13 77
Knollenhaarweg 7, 7447 PP Hellendoorn

Meest gestelde vragen

Is er bedlinnen, handdoeken en keukenlinnen aanwezig?

Ja, alle bedden zijn standaard opgemaakt bij aankomst. Handdoeken (één grote en één kleine per persoon) en keukenlinnen (één per villa, één keukendoek en twee theedoeken) is aanwezig. Wenst u meer handdoeken of keukenlinnen? Dan kunt u deze eenvoudig bijboeken via uw ''Mijn omgeving''.

Is een huisdier toegestaan?

Ja, een hond is toegestaan. Hiervoor betaalt u een toeslag: € 5,00 per nacht, per hond en € 25,00 extra schoonmaakkosten.

Is er een laadvoorziening op het park?

Ja, onze centrale parkeerplaats is voorzien van 4 laadstations. U hoeft zich dus geen zorgen te maken over de accu van uw auto.